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Selected Work : Allianz Life Websites

  • Web Design + Production
  • Email Marketing
  • Flash Development (AS2)
  • Audio Production
  • UI Design (DVD)
  • Information Architecture

Allianz needed to redesign and combine all of the public-facing websites for their North American business units.

The new look and feel is consistent – yet flexible – through the use of a modular grid system and tightly focused style guidelines. The result is a vast improvement in brand consistency and usability.

Production involved integration with both new and legacy .NET functionality and CMS while maintaining consistent builds across multiple staging, QA, production and failover environments.

I was initially contracted to redesign their public sites, but took on subsequent projects working in conjunction with the Allianz in-house team including Flash development for interstitial pieces and online video presentation, DVD interface design, and design of a comprehensive e-mail marketing system.

Tags: Interface Design, Art Direction, Web Design, Marketing, Web Development

Allianz Life public websites Allianz Life public websites

Note: Sites were initially developed with HTML-strict CSS-based layout. Preference of in-house development and maintenance teams as well as integration with some legacy components and .NET controls required rebuilding with table-based layouts.